I Created a Video Game in Two Days Using AI 🎮✨
Alright, the claim is a bit of a bait — things aren’t exactly as they seem, but it’s not entirely untrue either. Let me explain.
Understanding Sets, Maps, and Arrays in JavaScript: A Deep Dive with Real-Life Examples
Arrays: The Backbone of JavaScript Collections Characteristics:– Ordered: Arrays maintain the order of elements as they were added.– Mutable: You can modify arrays by adding, removing, or
Database transaction isolation levelsÂ
Read Uncommitted: Transactions are not isolated from each other. If the DBMS supports other transaction isolation levels, it ignores whatever mechanism it uses to implement
Unexpected RPC error, error: Transport(Code(413)) [SOLVED]
While running a local node of the graph a got this error who stopped my indexing. The reason is I was asking for a block
[SOLVED] Error: Socket closed unexpectedly – Redis Node.js
In my Node.js application I had lot of That caused my application to crash and restart multiple times because of the unhandled error. This happens
Managing and forgiving mistakes, an example
In the 1990 season of World Motorcycle Racing Eddie Lawson was one of the favorite in the run of the 500cc title. He won the
Check Shopify webhook signature with NestJs
Are you having a hard time checking shopify webhook signature with NestJs? Here’s why and how to solve it! NestJs has automatically parses the request
Criteria to order keys in MongoDB compound indexes
In MongoDB when we are creating a compound index, the keys order defining the index matters. These 2 compund indexes below are different, resulting in
Data Mapper vs Active Record
Using the Active Record approach, you define all your query methods inside the model itself, and you save, remove, and load objects using model methods.
How to write a functional test with Symfony and Guzzle’s mock handler
When we write a client to integrate an API in our systems it is important to test it to be sure we can handle every