This forwards a local 8081 port to a pod’s port 27017 capaio Motorcycle rider American football player DIY enthusiast Web developer on free time
Author: capaio
[Jest] How to run a single test file on jest
Easy: No need to write all complete path, you just have to write just the filename capaio Motorcycle rider American football player DIY enthusiast Web
[k8s] How to manually start a cronjob
To start manually a cronjob run: capaio Motorcycle rider American football player DIY enthusiast Web developer on free time
[GIT] Create scripts to delete branches older than N weeks
I needed a script to clean all my old branches to keep tidy my local repo. Here’s how I did it First of all create
Best new features in PHP 7.4
On 28th of november PHP 7.4 has been released. Here’s my favourite features! Spread Operator for Arrays No more array_merge(). With the spread operator you
[PHP] Print fibonacci sequence using recursion
Fibonacci sequence is a infinite series of numbers where each item is the sum of the two preceding ones, starting from 0 and 1.I have written
[APACHE] Redirect http to https
To redirect al http traffic to https you have to put this code inside the virtualhost script capaio Motorcycle rider American football player DIY enthusiast
[SOLVED] cwpsrv: [emerg] SL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file(“/etc/pki/tls/privat
After installing a new certificate with certbot I couldnt login to CWP anymore. When I tried to restart it i got this error I solved
[Docker] How to stop all running container
To stop all running container just use this command docker stop $(docker ps -aq) capaio Motorcycle rider American football player DIY enthusiast Web developer on